
Black America from a Black American

Embracing the Lifestyle



Things Married Folks Don’t Do

So from my last post, I think it is clear that I am nearing the end of my marriage. I am not one to vent to friends and family, and honestly no one knows accept for the wonderful people who read my blog. So after a long weekend of new betrayal…one just wants to vent.

My husband lies and says believes he doesn’t know what is inappropriate behavior and he desperately wants to understand how to have his cake and eat it too be a good husband. So if there are any other men or women who need assistance….here is a nice long list of all the things you should not do if you plan to be a good spouse:

Continue reading “Things Married Folks Don’t Do”

Black Love: Marriage and Religion

Can I get real deep for a minute?

I realized I wanted to marry my husband one random day, maybe a few months into our relationship. I proudly proclaimed my intentions and from that moment on I was in wife mode.

I was raised with traditional values. A woman cooks, cleans, and manages the home. A man makes the money and is the over all over seer. I was fine with this. Even when others protested about men abusing women and religion playing a role, how that doesn’t work – my go to scripture was always:

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

Colossians 3:18-19

Continue reading “Black Love: Marriage and Religion”

Culture Crossing

My miniscule 6 month marriage is going through some major transitions. I have finally figured out why they say the first year is the hardest.

Once you move out of the honeymoon phase you begin to notice certain things. For me it’s my husband’s hobbies.
Continue reading “Culture Crossing”

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